1 Aralık 2009 Salı

sims 2 installing problem norton 360 premier edition

SIMS 2 Problem after installing Norton 360 premeir edition I have been playing SIMS 2 for a while with no problem. Occasionally there would be blue screen. But after running system scans it would be OK again.

My virus software was running out so I updated to Norton 360.

When I tried to play the above error came up.

I tried to uninstall in the add-install program and it would not uninstall. I ended up deleting it.

I then tried to re install which was fine.

When I tried to play again the same error has come up.

Can anyone give me an idea of what is going on.

Is the SIMS game dangerous to my computer?

fix 1

I dont see what error you are referring to you should be able to set norton to leave the game alone or put it in game mode no?

fix 1

fix 2

Sorry. The error is

Please insert the correct DVD-ROM, select OK and restart application.

Not sure how to edit my above post.

fix 2

fix 3

So insert the CD or is this a game you downloaded from a torrent and you dont have a CD in which case I cant help you.

I dont think that error has anything to do with norton

fix 3

fix 4

have the cd and it doesn't work.

Thanks for answering my post.

If I download it off the internet do you think I will have the same problem?

fix 4

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